Oh, and driving to do this video we got near-to-lost on a Forest Service Road and went through some mongo huge mud pools in the road. Good thing I had my Mighty PT Cruiser. Gets me through anything. Oh, the things I'm willing to do for these video shoots...
But now to the devotion....
John 20:14-15a: When she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not know that it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?”
Our first week on this transformative personal journey through Lent began with the question, “What are you looking for?” And through this journey it has been my hope and prayer that this time together would have brought you into a deeper relationship with a living and loving God who, through Jesus, is looking for you.
Today we join Mary, weeping at the tomb. She was devastated by what happened, in fact, the Greek word that is used for “weeping” not only describes that she was crying, but that she was weeping and wailing because she was so devastated. She had a broken heart and tears streaming down her face. And she didn’t know that it was Jesus who asked her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?” She presumed that he was the gardener, and she wondered where they had taken Jesus’ body.
But then something amazing happened. Jesus said to her, “Mary.” And she turned and recognized him. Jesus spoke her name, and she turned and came face to face with her Living Lord, Savior, Messiah, Jesus, and Son of God. Her life was devastated and spinning out of control, and Jesus spoke her name, and she turned, came face to face with Jesus, and recognized that he was standing right there in front of him. She recognized him when he spoke her name.
We begin this Holy Week remembering to turn and face Jesus, and listen to him speaking our name. Jesus died on the cross with your name on his life. And he has spoken your name at the time of your baptism, and has kept you close throughout your life. Jesus speaks your name. He wants to know you. He wants to love you, and has given his life to show you the lengths to which he is willing to go to love you. When you hear him speak your name you know that there’s nothing that will separate you from that love; no struggles, no problems, no sin that’s too great. Nothing in your past will separate you from God’s love.
Jesus speaks your name. Turn to him, recognize him, and realize that Jesus is the one you’ve been looking for all along.
Questions to Ponder
- Before Jesus spoke Mary’s name, she mistook him for the gardener. What do people mistake Jesus for today? A magician? Just one of the many ways to God? A nice, comfortable Savior who does little more than affirms us? What are some ways people mistake Jesus today?
- Have you heard Jesus “speak your name?” What does that phrase mean to you in a personal way? And what difference does it make in the way you live your life?
Prayer for Today: Holy Jesus, thank you for knowing me by name. When I come to you in prayer, help me know that you know me and love me better than I know myself. Thank you for loving me and calling me your own. In Your Most Holy Name, Amen.
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